A big problem with believing in God is the lack of consistency. Take Christianity for example, there are thousands of denominations, each one claiming that all the other ones are wrong. Within each denomination, each Christian claims to know what God does and wants. My next door neighbor, for example, claimed that my parked car and house fence were totaled by a car driving out of control as punishment to me because I fail to comply with a ridiculous request of hers. Her example is the norm, not the rule. It's the narcissistic approach. She believes God disturbed the lives of police officers and insurance agents, not to mention the danger to the two persons in the car, just to please her desire for vengeance.
Oh I forget, I profited handsomely from that accident, I got a good payment for a car that I hated and kept about $15,000.00 after repairing the fence myself. I guess God was on my side, not hers.
At least atheists and agnostics who rely on science to guide their beliefs, have more consistency because they base their beliefs on evidence that everyone can agree on.